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Fedrigoni Arena® is a new comprehensive range of coordinated white and ivory uncoated papers and boards. The Arena range is available in five shades (Ivory, Natural, White, Extra White and Milk) three finishes (Smooth, Rough and Bulk) and weights ranging 70-580g/m. A selection of HP Indigo® optimized papers and matching envelopes complete the range.
An image of Extra White Rough
Extra White Rough
An image of Extra White Smooth
Extra White Smooth
An image of Ivory Bulk
Ivory Bulk
An image of Ivory Rough
Ivory Rough
An image of Ivory Smooth
Ivory Smooth
An image of Natural Bulk
Natural Bulk
An image of Natural Rough
Natural Rough
An image of Natural Smooth
Natural Smooth
An image of Smooth ECO 50
Smooth ECO 50
An image of White Rough
White Rough
An image of White Smooth
White Smooth
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